Evermyre /
🏔️ Locations
- Bear's Neck Inn The only inn in Twipeaks
- Demetrius' Stable The only stable in Twipeaks
- Eska A country
- Feldmar Eskan city northwest of Hillvon
- Godard's Goods and Things Provisions store in Twipeaks
- Gondra An ancient tribal land
- Gorhant A town west of Twipeaks.
- Hatbo Grove Forest near Twipeaks, has goblins and magic mushrooms
- Hillvon Capital city of Eska
- Liegard A city... somewhere
- Mor'deni Location very far north of Hillvon, possible origin of the Emerald Enlightenment
- Penustad City north of Hillvon
- Shore An oceanside town in western Eska
- Skyhaulers Sandwiches A sandwich shop in the Star District of Hillvon
- The Dandelion Inn A seedy inn in Penustad
- The Dragon's Scale Forge A dwarven forge in Hillvon
- The Golden Sheep Penustad magic shop run by Que Xie Zee
- The Good Pixie Tavern A tavern in Feldmar
- The Pirouetting Faerie An odds-and-ends shop in Feldmar
- The Sprite's Rest Inn A vibrant inn in Feldmar
- The Vagabond A shady bar in the Fishreach of Hillvon
- Trinda river A river in Eska, ends in Hillvon
- Twipeaks Rural Eskan town with two hills
- Twipeaks Windmill Run-down windmill at the top of the western hill in Twipeaks
- Wordpainter's Wellington A sandwich shop in The Star district of Hillvon
- Xarel Loto Glen Forest west of Penustad